Page:Scott's Last Expedition, Volume 1.djvu/919

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Note 1, p. 4.—Dogs. These included thirty-three sledging dogs and a collie bitch, ‘Lassie.’ The thirty-three, all Siberian dogs excepting the Esquimaux ‘Peary’ and ‘Borup,’ were collected by Mr. Meares, who drove them across Siberia to Vladivostok with the help of the dog-driver Demetri Gerof, whom he had engaged for the expedition. From Vladivostok, where he was joined by Lieutenant Wilfred Bruce, he brought them by steamer to Sydney, and thence to Lyttelton. The dogs were the gift of various schools, as shown by the following list:

Dogs presented by Schools, &c.

School's, &c., name for Dog. Russian name of Dog. Translation, description, or nickname of Dog. Name of School, &c., that presented Dog.
Beaumont Kumgai Isle off Vladivostok Beaumont College.
Bengeo Mannike Noogis Little Leader Bengeo, Herts.
Bluecoat Giliak Indian tribe Christ's Hospital.
Bristol Lappa Uki Lop Ears Grammar, Bristol.
Bromsgrove ‘Peary’ ‘Peary’ Bromsgrove School (cost of transport).
Colston's Bullet Bullet Colston's School.
Danum Rabchick Grouse Doncaster Grammar Sch.
Derby I. Suka Lassie Girls' Secondary School, Derby.
Derby II. Silni Stocky Secondary Technical School, Derby.
Devon Jolti Yellowboy Devonshire House Branch of Navy League.
Duns Brodiaga Robber Berwickshire High School.