Page:Scott's Last Expedition, Volume 1.djvu/933

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Sleeping-bags Presented by Schools

School's, &c., name of Sleeping-bag. Name of traveller using Sleeping-bag. Name of School, &c., presenting Sleeping-bag.
Cowbridge Commander Evans Cowbridge
Wisk Hove Lieutenant Campbell The Wisk, Hove.
Taunton Seaman Williamson King's College, Taunton
Bryn Derwen Seaman Keohane Bryn Derwen.
Grange Dr. Simpson The Grange, Folkestone.
Brighton Lieutenant Bowers Brighton Grammar School.
Cardigan Captain Scott The County School, Cardigan.
Carter-Eton Mr. Cherry-Garrard Mr. R. T. Carter, Eton College.
Radley Mr. Ponting Stones Social School, Radley.
Woodford Mr. Meares Woodford House.
Bramhall Seaman Abbott Bramhall Grammar School.
Louth Dr. Atkinson
King Edward VI. Grammar School, Louth.
Twyford I. Seaman Forde Twyford School
Twyford II. Mr. Day Twyford School
Abbey House Seaman Dickason
Mr. Carvey's House, Abbey House School.
Waverley Mr. Wright Waverley Road, Birmingham.
St. John's Seaman Evans St. John's House
Leyton Ch. Stoker Lashly Leyton County High School.
St. Bede's Seaman Browning Eastbourne.
Sexeys Dr. Wilson Sexeys School.
Worksop Mr. Debenham Worksop College.
Regent Mr. Nelson
Regent Street Polytechnic Secondary School.
Trafalgar Captain Oates
Trafalgar House School, Winchester.