Page:Scott - Tales of my Landlord - 3rd series, vol. 2 - 1819.djvu/104

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"Then you are as cross as she is," answered the boy; "and when mamma comes home she'll claw up both your mittens."

"Hush your impertinence, you little forward imp," said his father; "where is your tutor?"

"Gone to a wedding at Dunbar—I hope he'll get a haggis to his dinner;" and he began to sing the old Scottish song,

"There was a haggis in Dunbar,
Fal de ral, &c.
Mony better and few waur,
Fal de ral," &c.

"I am much obliged to Mr Cordery for his attentions," said the Lord Keeper; "and pray who has had charge of you while I was away, Mr Henry?"

"Norman and Bob Wilson—forbye my own self."

"A groom and a game-keeper, and your own silly self—proper guardians for a young advocate!—Why, you will never