Page:Scott - Tales of my Landlord - 3rd series, vol. 4 - 1819.djvu/156

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dolefully ejaculated, "I always told the immortal Gustavus, Wallenstein, Tilly, and other men of the sword, that in my poor mind, taslets ought to be made musket-proof."

With two or three earnest words in Gaelic, MacEagh commended the wounded man to the charge of the females, who were in the rear of his little party, and was then about to return to the contest. But Dalgetty detained him, grasping a firm hold of his plaid—"I know not how this matter may end—but I request you will inform Montrose, that I died like a follower of the immortal Gustavus—and I pray you, take heed how you quit your present strength, even for the purpose of pursuing the enemy, if you gain any advantage—and—and"——

Here Dalgetty's breath and eye-sight began to fail him through loss of blood, and MacEagh, availing himself of this circumstance, extricated from his grasp the end