Page:Scott - Tales of my Landlord - 3rd series, vol. 4 - 1819.djvu/188

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"What may be your commands with me, my friends?" said the Marquis, his hand almost unconsciously seeking the butt of one of his pistols; for the period, as well as the time of night, warranted suspicions which the good mien of his visitors was not by any means calculated to remove.

"I pray leave to congratulate you," said the Lowlander, "my most noble General, and Right Honourable Lord, upon the great battles which you have atchieved since I had the fortune to be detached from you. It was a pretty affair that tuilzie at Tippermuir; nevertheless if I might be permitted to counsel"——

"Before doing so," said the Marquis, "will you be pleased to let me know who is so kind as to favour me with his opinion."

"Truly, my lord," replied the man, "I should have hoped that was unnecessary, seeing it is not so long since I took on in your service, under promise of a commission as Major, with half a dollar of daily pay and half a dollar of arrears; and I am