Page:Scott - Tales of my Landlord - 3rd series, vol. 4 - 1819.djvu/232

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follows us like a raven to devour the relics of our army, should we meet braver men who may be able to break its strength! Let the Chiefs and leaders be called together as quickly as possible; and you, who have brought us the first news of this joyful event,—for such it shall be,—you shall bring it to a joyful issue, by guiding us the best and nearest road against our enemy."

"That will I willingly do," said M'Ilduy; "if I have shewn you paths by which to retreat through these dusky wilds, with far more readiness will I teach you how to advance against your enemy."

A general bustle now prevailed, and the leaders were every where startled from the rude couches on which they had sought temporary repose.

"I never thought," said Major Dalgetty, when summoned up from a handful of rugged heather roots, "to have parted from a bed as hard as a stable broom with such bad will; but indubitably, having but one man of military experience in his army,