Page:Scott - Tales of my Landlord - 3rd series, vol. 4 - 1819.djvu/260

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indeed kneel, but only when the regiment is drawn up six file deep."

"Nevertheless," repeated Montrose,—"kneel down, in the name of King Charles and of his representative."

When Dalgetty reluctantly obeyed, Montrose struck him slightly on the neck with the flat of his sword, saying,—"In reward of the gallant service of this day, and in the name and authority of our sovereign, King Charles, I dub thee knight; be brave, loyal, and fortunate. And now, Sir Dugald Dalgetty, to your duty. Collect what horsemen you can, and pursue such of the enemy as are flying down the side of the Lake. Do not disperse your force, nor venture too far; but take heed to prevent their rallying, which very little exertion may do. Mount then, Sir Dugald, and do your duty."

"But what shall I mount?" said the newmade chevalier. "Poor Gustavus sleeps in the bed of honour, like his immortal