Page:Scott - Tales of my Landlord - 3rd series, vol. 4 - 1819.djvu/278

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exquisitely beautiful, and has talents formed to captivate your romantic temper.—You cannot think of injuring her—you cannot think of marrying her?"

"My lord," replied Menteith, "you have repeatedly urged this jest, for so I trust it is meant, somewhat beyond bounds. Annot Lyle is of unknown birth,—a captive,—the daughter, probably, of some obscure outlaw; a dependant on the hospitality of the M'Aulays."

"Do not be angry, Menteith," said the Marquis, interrupting him; "you love the classics, though not educated at Mareschal College; and you may remember how many gallant hearts captive beauty has subdued:—

Movit Ajacem Telamone natum,
Forma captivæ, dominum, Tecmessæ.

In a word, I am seriously anxious about this—I should not have time perhaps," he said very gravely, "to trouble you with my lectures on the subject, were your feel-