Page:Scott - Tales of my Landlord - 3rd series, vol. 4 - 1819.djvu/304

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though the guiltless be engaged in the ruin."

"He advises well, Annot," said Lord Menteith; "in God's name retire! if—if there be aught in this, your meeting with Sir Duncan must be more prepared for both your sakes."

"I will not part from my father, if I have found one!" said Annot—"I will not part from him under circumstances so terrible."

"And a father you shall ever find in me," murmured Sir Duncan.

"Then," said Menteith, "I will have MacEagh removed into an adjacent apartment, and will collect the evidence of his tale myself. Sir Dugald Dalgetty will give me his attendance and assistance."

"With pleasure, my lord," answered Sir Dugald.—"I will be your consessor, or assessor—either or both. No one can be so fit, for I had heard the whole story a month ago at Inverara castle—but onslaughts like that of Ardenvohr confuse each other in