Page:Scott - Tales of my Landlord - 3rd series, vol. 4 - 1819.djvu/318

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fair Briseis were removed from our camp before the return of our Achilles, Allan M'Aulay,—I fear some fatal feud in that quarter, Menteith—and I believe it would be best that Sir Duncan be dismissed on his parole, and that you accompany him and his daughter as his escort. The journey can be made chiefly by water, so will not greatly incommode his wound—and your own, my friend, will be an honourable excuse for the absence of some time from my camp."

"Never," said Menteith. "Were I to forfeit the very hope that has so lately dawned upon me, never will I leave your Excellency's camp while the royal standard is displayed. I should deserve that this trifling scratch should gangrene and consume my sword arm, were I capable of holding it as an excuse for absence at this crisis of the King's affairs."

"On this then you are determined?" said Montrose.