Page:Scott - Tales of my Landlord - 3rd series, vol. 4 - 1819.djvu/59

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honourable cavaliers and brave soldados—and the flask being empty, I am ready, Sir Duncan, to attend your factionary or sentinel to my place of private repose."

He received a formal permission to retire, and an assurance that as the wine seemed to be to his taste, another measure of the same vintage should attend him presently, in order to sooth the hour of his solitude.

No sooner had the Captain reached the apartment than this promise was fulfilled; and, in a short time afterwards, the added comforts of a pasty of red-deer venison rendered him very tolerant both of confinement and want of society. The same domestic, a sort of chamberlain, who placed this good cheer in his apartment, delivered to Dalgetty a packet, sealed and tied up with a silken thread, according to the custom of the time, addressed with many forms of respect to the High and Mighty Prince, Archibald, Marquis of Argyle, Lord of Lorne, and so forth. The chamberlain at the same time apprized the Ritt-master,