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with answer as becomes a cavalier, and that peremptorie, as we used to say at Mareschal College."

"See who or what he is, Neal," said the Marquis sternly to a gentleman who stood near him.

"I will save the honourable gentleman the labour of investigation," continued the Captain. "I am Dugald Dalgetty, of Drumthwacket that should be, late Ritt-master in various services, and now Major of I know not what or whose regiment of Irishes; and I am come with a flag of truce from a high and powerful lord, James Earl of Montrose, and other noble persons now in arms for his Majesty, and so God save King Charles."

"Do you know where you are, and the danger of dallying with us, sir," again demanded the Marquis, "that you reply to me as if I were a child or a fool? The Earl of ]Montrose is with the English malignants, and I suspect you are one of these Irish runagates, who are come into this