Page:Scott Nearing - The Germs of War (1916).djvu/13

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purpose of making certain American investments in Mexico "pay."

Here is a group of dynamiters who are trying to wreck, not buildings, but nations. Who can forget the wave of frenzied criticism that swept over the United States when the McNamara brothers were tried? They had destroyed life and property! To the gallows with them! Since the President spoke his warning against this group of buccaneers who are seeking to embroil two nations that do not want war, there has been only a feeble suggestion, in the daily and weekly press, that an investigation be made, that the offenders be discovered, tried for treason, and made to suffer the penalty of their misdeeds.

Compare this journalistic indifference to a monstrous crime, with the attitude of the papers toward preparedness. With a few creditable exceptions, the newspapers of the country, during the past year and a half, have come out strong for preparedness, and have deliberately suppressed news of every description that bore on the other side of the question. It is enlightening to have a managing editor say to a committee of citizens interested in offsetting the wave of preparedness hysteria,—"We are not here to print your side of the case. We are for preparedness. If you want space for your side buy it."

Here are strange doings! The President contenting himself with a warning against treasonable acts. The press of a great country solid on one side of an issue of the most momentous consequence to the future of the country, and frankly refusing to print even the news on the other side. Why are some people anxious to bring on Mexican Intervention? Why is the American Press for preparedness and pro-Ally?