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DESIGN FOR MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS GLASGOW, He was a thor- oughly nineteenth- century arcliitect, who constantly in- spired himself from what he considered the best examples, but who was never tied by precedent to any absurdity, and who never descend- ed to slavishly copy any example, how- ever good. Besides the works he has executed he is well known to his pro- fessional brethren by his designs sub- mitted in numer- ous competitions which were always characterised by a thoroughness and thoughtfulness skill.


rarely such trials of His death is the more to be regret- ted as he had just reached the zenith of his fame, and has been taken away while still in the possession of liis full power, and while all looked for much more good work from his able hand and active brain. By his death his intimates have lost a good friend and kindly adviser. His quiet humour and quaint repartees, his well - known figure and splendidly modelled head will be sadly missed by those who, for too short a time, had the pleasure and privilege of intercourse with him. John Keppie.