Page:Scouting for girls, adapted from Girl guiding.djvu/137

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enemy, made our observations, and got away with our information without any difficulty.

And it was chiefly done on the evidence of that one leaf. So you see the importance of noticing even a little thing like that.

Games in Stalking

Girl Scout Hunting.—One Scout is given time to go out and hide herself, the remainder then start to find her; she wins if she is not found, or if she can get back to the starting-point within a given time without being touched.

Dispatch Running.—A Scout is told to bring a note to a certain spot or house from a distance within a given time: other hostile Scouts are told to prevent any message getting to this place, and to hide themselves at different points to stop the dispatch carrier getting in with it.

To count as a capture, two Scouts must touch the dispatch runner before she reaches the spot for delivering the message.

Relay Race.—One patrol pitted against another to see who can get a message sent a long distance in shortest time by means of relays of runners or cyclists. The patrol is ordered out to send in three successive notes or tokens (such as sprigs of certain plants), from a point, say, two miles distant or more. The leader in taking her patrol out to the spot, drops Scouts at convenient distances, who will then act as runners from one post to the next and back. If relays are posted in pairs, messages can be passed both ways.