Page:Scouting for girls, adapted from Girl guiding.djvu/178

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more efficient. If a large tin is used, have holes drilled in it to allow passage of heat.

Fill the kettle before lighting the gas, and turn out the gas before emptying the kettle.

Don't fill the kettle if only a pint of water is wanted.

Tips for Cleaning.— Directly your cooking pot is empty pour cold water into it and put it on the fire to prevent the leavings getting hard, it will then he quite easy to clean later on.

Personally I like washing up, though some people don't, but the main thing is to keep the greasy things to the last. Wash the cleaner things first in hot water with a clean dishcloth, then add hotter water and deal with the greasy things.

Dry the utensils with a dry towel, then dry further in warm air, and finally polish with a soft cloth.


Needlework.—"A Stitch in time saves nine." I cannot agree with this favorite saying, because I feel sure it saves so many more than nine, besides saving time and preventing looking untidy.

I will tell you another thing I don't believe in. Tailors, who are such neat workers, will say that they never pin their work first. If you are not a tailor, it is much better to place your work before you begin, with plenty of pins. You will never get straight lines or smooth corners if you do not plan and place it all first, just as it has got to be, and tack it there.