Page:Scouting for girls, adapted from Girl guiding.djvu/205

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keep your arms under water. To do this you should not begin to shout, which will only empty your lungs, and you should not throw your arms about or beckon for help, else you will sink. So the main thing of all is to keep cool and force yourself to remember and to carry out these things.


There always are and always will be children to be care of. Perhaps there is no better way for a girl to help her country than to fit herself to undertake the care of children. She should learn all she can about them, and take eyery opportunity of helping to look after these small Boy and Girl Scouts of the future. Many girls are already doing this and are realizing that the Child Welfare badge is one of the most important in the whole list for a Scout to win.

Health Habits

Children are trained to regular habits in three ways; first, by haying meals at fixed hours; second, by having regular times for sleeping and waking; and third, by being taught when young to be clean and regular in their daily clear-out. They must have plenty of healthful, peaceful sleep and the earlier they go to bed the better for their brains and nerves in after life. The bedroom must be airy and quiet; the windows kept open.


Nobody can be healthy unless he is clean, and cleanliness is one of the first habits you want Baby to form.