Page:Scouting for girls, adapted from Girl guiding.djvu/230

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happiness and future prospects, and those of his children.

The women of America must see to it that as far as lies in their power the vast resources of this great country are carefully conserved and wisely expended.

To be a valuable citizen the first qualification is an understanding of the organization and administration of one's government. With more knowledge of the principles for which our government really stands there will come to the thinking American girl a desire to help definitely in the administration of those principles. Real social service will develop every Citizen Scout, give her a broader vision of life, awaken her sympathy and clear her intellect so that when she casts her vote she will do it with intelligence and with civic pride.

Qualifications for Citizen Scouts

To become a Citizen Scout a girl must be 17 years old, or over, and she must declare her belief in the civic ideals of:

1. Good health—by trying to attain the Girl Scout standard of physical health.

2. Vocational Skill—by being willing to perfect herself in some work by which she can earn her living.

3. Public Service—by pledging herself to some public service, either individually or in her troop.

Any Girl Scout over seventeen shall be eligible for promotion to "Citizen Scout." When there are enough Citizen Scouts in any troop they may form a Citizen Scout patrol under their own patrol leader, in the same