Page:Scouting for girls, adapted from Girl guiding.djvu/256

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Headquarters for her commission. Application should be made on blanks supplied from National Headquarters and must be endorsed by three prominent citizens of the community. Where a Local Council is established the application must be sent through the Local Council. The Captain has the power to enroll Scouts, and to release a Scout from her promise, to suspend her for a certain period, or withdrew her badges and discharge her. A Scout who considers herself unjustly treated may appeal to the Local Council or even to National Council. The Captain directs the Scout training of the girls in her troop, and may examine them for the Tenderfoot and Second Class tests. Where no court of honor exists she may secure examiners for them for the special subjects of proficiency badges or this may be done by the Local Council.

Uniform. Khaki Norfolk suit. Scout hat, gold and black hat cord (Com. on Uniforms, Jan. 12, 1918).

Insignia. Gold and black shoulder cord (Com. on Uniforms, Jan. 12, 1918), two bands one-fourth-inch black braid all around left cuff (Com. on Standards, May 7, 1918). Captain's pin.


Should not be less than 18 years of age. Her qualifications are the same as those for Captain and she receives her commission in the same way. She is chosen by the Captain, performs the duties of the Captain during her