Page:Scouting for girls, adapted from Girl guiding.djvu/271

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only steps among others towards the attainment of womanly efficiency on the part of the individual girl.

That is the aim of our training.

Happy, smiling face, ready resourcefulness and quick intelligence in carrying out any job that may be given is the evidence of keen esprit de corps in the Patrol, are by far the best indications to the inspecting officer as to whether or not true Scout training is practised by the Captain in her Troop.

Give Us the Young!

As Benjamin Kidd has written, let our cry be:———

"Oh! you wise men who would reconstruct the world! Give us the young. Give us the young. Do what you will with the world, only give us the young. It is the dreams which we teach them: it is the Utopias which we conceive for them: it is the thoughts which we think for them, which will rebuild the world. Give us the young before the evil has held them and we will create a new Heaven and a new Earth."