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From A. M. to. P. M.

(Continued from page 35)

4:35 Telephone ordered in August 1921 is installed.

4:50 Studio press agents deny all rumors.

5:00 English authors gather for tea.

5:30 Location cars return to Universal City.

5:31 6,798 actors try to cash pay checks.

5:45 Lines form in front of cafeterias.

5:59 92 special traffic police go off duty.

6:00 Greatest traffic jam in history of Los Angeles.

6:05 Movie ingenue, abandoning all hope of being invited to the Ambassador, decides to pay for her own dinner.


7:30 Charles Ray's butler announces that "Dinner is served."

7:45 Another "second Valentino" sits down to answer his solitary fan letter.

8:00 Curtain rises on "premier" of moving picture shown two weeks previously in New York and Tuskaloosa, Ala.

8:15 Curtain rises on road-show that left New York in May, 1919, with original Broadway cast.

8:30 Morning newspapers come out.

8:45 Next day's evening newspapers come out.

9:00 First husband of the evening is shot.

9:30 106 movie stars retire for the night.

10:00 490 extra girls cavort in cafes for benefit of tourists.

10:30 6 movie stars complain that wild and noisy tourists are keeping them awake.

11:15 Automobile speeds down Broadway at 45 miles an hour, unseen.

11:30 Young girl tourist is mistaken for Viola Dana and never recovers.

12:00 Midnight train for San Diego.

1:00 Time for all good little bootleggers to be in bed.

1:10 Hurry call from roadhouse.

2:00 Rupert Hughes shoots big night scene and calls it a day.

2:30 16 movie ingenues explain to their mothers that they were only out with a bunch of the girls.

2:35 Will Hays retires for the niaflit.

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