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“Nuair a ḃeaḋ (vech) sé ar a studaor”, ní ċuirfeaḋ Éinne ’steaċ ná ’maċ [isteaċ ná amaċ] air.” “Ná bí ’g ’inn″isint bréaga ’nois [anois] mar ġe͜all air. Fear studaor″-ṫá ceart seaḋ é.” “When he was steady (of sound mind or sober), no one would interfere

with him in the least.” “Don't tell lies. He's a real steady man.”

2. Ḃí sé (ar) deireaḋ de ċuid ṁúir. He was a long way behind (e.g., behind others in amount of subscription).
Tá an ḟéis [feis] curṫa ar a gcúl. The feis has been postponed.
3. Tar indiuḃ (ing-yuv″) ar dínéar ċuġam (choom). Come and dine with me to-day.
Ḃí sé ’na ċúṁnaiḋe (m nasal) ar a’ tig (or ar a’ doras) bu’ ġiorra (yir″-ah) ḋúinn. He lived in the next house or next door to us (san tig also).
4. Níor ċua’ [ċuaiḋ] mé riaṁ a’ ceangal an mo pá. I never went binding for hire.
Ní raiḃ ainm ar iarraḋ acu. They were not short of a name.
Cuir na héadaiġe″ ar bogaḋ, beiḋ″míd a’ ní-ċán amáireaċ. Put the clothes a-steeping, we shall be washing to-morrow
5. Duḃairt sé an dá aifreann bonn ar ḃonn. He said the two masses without an interval (“sole on sole”).
Do ṁarcaiġeadar (war-kee″-adh-ar) an capal tamal ar tamal. They took turn about in riding the horse (“spell for spell”).