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Ní ṫ-ucfainn ad ċoinne ar a’ ḃfocal (ḃ=v) son. I would not contradict you in regard to that word.
Ní io͜mparóċ’ [iomċaroċaḋ] sé é héin ar ao’ rud a ḋeárfainn leis. He won’t behave himself no matter what I say to him (lit. in regard to anything.
Is gairid ná beiḋ aon t-solas againn ar ao’ rud a ḋ’feiscint. Very soon we shall not have light to see anything.
18. Ṫá sé ró-úġdarásaċ ar a ġnú [gnó] héin. He is too imperious in matters affecting his own profession.
Ḃíos a faire a’ ċuit ar a’ mbainne. I was watching the cat in regard to the milk, i.e., so that it would not drink the milk.
Táid ċun (or ċu) [ċoṁ] da͜ll sa Ġaolainn ar ċuid di ’s táid sa mBéarla. In some respects they are as ignorant of Irish as they are of English (lit. “in regard of some of it”).
19. Ṡin-é ṫá ḃuaim (woo″im) [uaim] ort. That is what I want of you (question or request).
Cad aṫá ḃuait (woo″it) ar ḋuine aċ a ḋíṫeal? What more do you want of a man but his best?
Tá an t-sr-eaṫ (thrah) ar a’ gcoitíantaċt. The obligation of paying rates lies on the people generally.
Nín aon dán-í-aċt agam orra—ní maiṫ liom aon dán-í-aċt [dánaiḋeaċt] a ḋéanaḋ orra. I do not make too free with them—I do not wish, etc.
20. An io͜mpú (iompóḋ) na baise. In the twinkling of an eye.
Ṫaċt an cat ar an áit sin é. The cat killed it on the spot.