Page:Second Geological Survey of Pennsylvania Report of Progress PPP.djvu/39

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PPP. 25

Fig. 2.Eurypterus (Anthraconectes) Mazonensis—nat. size.

"a, b, c. Crushed and broken legs as they appear in the specimen, the divisions not being all natural articulations.
h, h, h, h, h. Impressions of angular ends of the dorsal half of body segments.
m. Hypostoma in place; m², the same enlarged to show the scale-like sculpturing.
P. One of the paddles or swimming feet in a broken condition. Its division at i seems to be a natural articulation.
g, g. Basal joints of same; x, enlarged surface-sculpturing of the latter.
M. Mesial appendage of the operculum ; 1, 2, 3, its apparent articulations; s, s, two little accessory pieces; x, x, t, t, lateral alae of operculum.
o. Position of mouth."

After describing the fossil and its parts the authors remark: "From some of the characters mentioned above it will be seen that this fossil differs from the typical forms of Eurypterus, particularly in the great length and sim-