Page:Secret History of the French Court under Richelieu and Mazarin.djvu/193

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]^EW BOOK, By the Author of " Ten Acres Enough." AND !E TO FIND ONE. SHOWING THAT HOMESTEADS MAY BE OAD BY THOSE DESIROUS OF SECURING THEM : WITH THE PUBLIC LAW ON THE SUBJECT OF FREE HOMES, AND SUGGESTIONS FEOM PRACTICAL FARMERS. Together with iiunierous successful experiences of otiiers, "wlio, though beginning with, little or nothing, have become the owners of ample Farms. By the Author of "TEN ACRES ENOUGH." This work fills a gap in Agricultaral Literature which has long been unsnpplied. It points out a multitude of methods by which men in moderate circumstances may obtain farms, as well as the locations in which they are to be found. It is in fact a grouping together, in the compass of a convenient handbook, of facts, arguments, and ilhistra- tions, which could not be got at without extensive general reading, while it abounds with original matter which has never before been presented. The numerous class of persons now turning their atten- tion to agriculture and now seeking for farms, will find in this volume more information than they could obtain in six months' travel over tha country. Its facts are available to both rich and poor, the settler and the speculator. L; ranges over the whole Union, presenting to the reader, with impartial fairness, the claims which each location possesses. No prospective buyer should purchase land before reading this volume. 1 VoL, 12ni05 Cloth. Price, $1.75. For sale by JAMES MILLER, 647 BROADWAY, New York.