Page:Secret History of the French Court under Richelieu and Mazarin.djvu/37

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the favors of the king have carried his presumption to its highest point. He fancies that he can terrify Madame de Chevreuse by his anger, and persuades himself, in my opinion, that she will leave nothing untried to appease it; but she is resolved to perish rather than to submit to the cardinal. His glory is odious to me. He has said to my husband that my caprices were insupportable to a man of his temper, and that he was resolved no longer to pay me any special attention, since I was incapable of giving my friendship and confidence to him alone. I tell you this in confidence. Feign not to know it to M. de Chevreuse. He has had a little quarrel with me, for he has been so intimidated by the insolence of the cardinal that he wishes to persecute me into a base endurance of him. I esteem your courage and affection so highly that I wish you to know all the interests of Madame de Chevreuse. She confides so entirely in you that she believes them to be as safe in your hands as in her own. Love your master faithfully, and however persecuted he may be, believe that in all his actions he will prove himself worthy of love.

"I shall make no excuses to-day for not having written to you, but I wish you to believe that I have not ceased to think of you, although my letters have not expressed it to you. I can only describe the interview between the cardinal and Madame de Chevreuse by saying that he showed as much passion for your master as Madame de Chevreuse formerly thought existed in the heart of 33;[1] but that Madame de Chevreuse always regarded as a true passion, whereas she believes this of the cardinal to be a feigned one. He told her that he had now no secrets from her, and that he would positively do all that she commanded him, provided that she would live in such a manner with him as to assure him that he stood higher in her esteem and confidence than any other on earth.… The one who promised to bring me news was here yesterday, but

  1. The Duke of Lorraine, or Count Holland.