Page:Secret History of the French Court under Richelieu and Mazarin.djvu/58

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liers commanded by the Marquis D'Antin, and was obliged to turn aside from her route to avoid being recognized by them. Another time, in a valley of the Pyrenees, a gentleman who had seen her in Paris, told her that he should take her for Madame de Chevreuse if she were dressed in a different manner, but the fair unknown extricated herself from this difficulty by replying that, being a relative of that lady, she might well resemble her. Her courage and gayety did not abandon her for a moment, and, to portray the valiant Amazon, a song was made in which she says to her squire:

La Boissière, dis-moi
Vais-je pas bien en homme?
Vous chevauchez, ma foi,
Mieux que tant que nous sommes, etc.[1]

Her attendant urging her to acquaint him with her name, she told him in a mysterious manner that she was the Duke D'Enghien, who was forced by especial business in the service of the king to quit France in this manner; which may give us an idea of her appearance on horseback, as well as of her resolute and decided air. Afterwards, gaining confidence in her guide, and disliking long to wear a mask, she confessed to him that she was the Duchess de Chevreuse. She only reached Spain after enduring unheard-of fatigue, and passing through a thousand perils.[2] Just before crossing the frontier, she wrote to the gentleman who had fancied that he recognized her in the Pyrenees, and who had shown her every attention and civility, that he had not been mistaken, but that she was really the lady whom he had believed her to be, and that, "having found

    somest youth I ever saw! Sir, come rest in my house, you excite my pity," etc.

  1. Tallemant, ibid.
  2. Extrait de l'information: Malbasty told her that she would lose her way, that she would meet a host of robbers, that she had but a single man with her, and that he feared some one would harm her. She offered a large rouleau of pistoles to the said Malbasty.