Page:Select Essays in Anglo-American Legal History, Volume 1.djvu/18

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A TABLE OF BRITISH REGNAL YEARS Sovereigns Commencement of Reign William I October 14, 1066 William II September 26, 1087 Henry I August 5, 1100 Stephen December 26, 1135 Henry II December 19, 1154 Richard I September 23, 1189 John May 27, 1199 Henry III October 28, 1216 Edward I November 20, 1273 Edward II July 8, 1307 Edward III January 25, 1326 / Richard II June 22, 1377 - "•

  • Henry IV September 30, 1399.

Henry V March 21, 1413 Henrv VI September 1, 1422 Edward IV March 4, 1461 Edward V April 9, 1483 Richard III June 26, 1483 Henry VII August 22, 1485 Henry VIII April 22, 1509 Edward VI January 28, 1546 Mary July 6, 1553 Elizabeth November 17, 1558 James I March 24, 1603 Charles I March 27, 1625 The Commonwealth January 30, 1649 Charles 11^ May 29, 1660 James II February 6, 1685 William and Mary February 13, 1689 Anne March 8, 1 702 George I August 1, 1714 George II June 11, 1727 George III October 25, 1760 George IV January 29, 1820 William IV June 26, 1830 Victoria June 20, 1837 Edward VII January 22, 1901 George V May 6, 1910

  • Although Charles II. did not ascend the throne until 29th May, 1660,

his regnal years were computed from the death of Charles I., January 30, 1649, so that the year of his restoration is styled the twelfth year of his reign.