Page:Select Essays in Anglo-American Legal History, Volume 1.djvu/380

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[Other References on this Period. The following essays also deal with this period: In Select Essays: Courts of Chancery in Colonial America, by Solon D. Wilson: Volume II. Equity through Common Law Forms in Pennsylvania, by Sidney G. Fisher: Volume II. Private Corporations in the Colonies, by Simeon E. Baldwin: Vol- ume III. In other Collections and Periodicals : Colonial Landholding in North Carolina, by J. S. Bassett: Law Quar- terly Review, XI, 154. Judicial Action by the Provincial Legislature of Massachusetts, by M. M. Bigelow: Columbia Law Review, II, 536. The Adoption of the Common Law by the American Colonies, by R. S. Dale: American Law Register, N. S., XXI, 553. The History of Equity in the American Colonies and States, by E. B. Gager: in Two Centuries' Growth of American Law (1901), p. 129. The History of the Law of Municipal Corporations in the Colonies and the States, by H. W. Rogers: ibid. p. 202. Courts of Justice in the Province of Massachusetts Bay, by T. L. Phillips: American Law Review, XXX IV, 566. A Chapter in the Legal History of Massachusetts, by J. B. Thayer: Harvard Law Review, IX, 1. The History of the Land and Judicial Systems in Pennsylvania, by W. R. Shepherd: Columbia Studies in History, VI, pp. 1, 370. The History of Chancery in Massachusetts, by E. H. Woodruff: Law Quarterly Review, V, 370. Roger Ludlow, the Colonial I^awmaker, by J. M. Taylor (1900). Justice in Colonial Virginia, by O. P. Chitwood (Johns Hopkins Uni- versity Studies in History and Political Science, ser. XXIII). The Origin of the System of Recording Deeds in America, by J, H. Beale, Jr.: Green Bag, XIX, 335.] 90b