Page:Select Essays in Anglo-American Legal History, Volume 1.djvu/480

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[Other References ok this Period: In Select Essays: The History of Code Pleading in America and England, by C. M. Hepburn: Volume II. Changes in the English Law of Real Property during the Nineteenth Century, by A. Underbill: Volume III. In other Treatises and Periodicals: A Century of Law Reform, by various authors (1901); chapters on Equity, Corporations, etc. Two Centuries' Growth of American Law, by various authors (Yale Studies, 1901) ; chapters on Equity, Corporations, Property, Evidence, etc. Treatise on Statutes, by F. Dwarris (1848) ; a list of reformatory statutes from Charles II to Geo. Ill, pp. 835-868. The History of Legislation concerning Property in England, by J. F. de Villiers (1901). Law Reform in the United States and its Influence Abroad, by D. D. Field, American Law Review, August, 1891.] 40i