Page:Select Essays in Anglo-American Legal History, Volume 1.djvu/648

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634 V. BENCH AND BAR where he tells of the succor of the Lady Eveline Berenger in the Garde Doloreuse. In fact, if we may judge from Ivanhoe, Scott must have taken many of his names from the judicial barons. Fronteboeuf, Grantmesnil and Malvoisin are names on the rolls of the courts. Segrave, a noted lawyer in Henry III.'s reign, was, like Ivanhoe, a Saxon who at- tained high position. ; , 5 ^ - 1 *^ In the reign of Henry II., who succeeded Stephen, we begin to get a glimpse of an organized legal profession. This king was a great organizer and lawyer. His statutes of novel disseisin and mort dancester, his assize utrum and of last presentment were drawn by lawyers. In his reign the royal inquisition took a great step toward the modern jury. All litigation about land was thrown into the king's courts. Many new writs and forms of action were invented. A fixed court made up of trained lawyers sat at West- minster. At the same time the country was divided into circuits, itinerant justices traveled the circuit and adapted the county court to the regular progresses of the king's judges. The grand jury was now brought into form, and all the important criminal business came before the royal justices. In the king's court Henry himself often sat. He is sur- rounded by his council, but every now and then he retires to consult with a special body. The judges take sides and on one occasion the King orders Geoffrey Ridel, who seems too zealous for one party, from the room. The King peruses the deeds and charters, and when certain charters are pro- duced we hear him swearing that " by God's eyes " they cost him dearly enough. On another occasion two charters of Edward the Confessor, wholly contradictory, are pro- duced. The King, nonplussed, says : " I don't know what to say, except that here is a pitched battle between deeds." Now began the keeping upon parchment of the records of cases. The best picture of a lawsuit in this reign is the extraordinary litigation of Richard de Anesty. He claimed certain lands as heir of his uncle. An illegitimate daughter of the uncle was in possession. The question was as to her legitimacy and that depended for solution upon the issue