Page:Select Essays in Anglo-American Legal History, Volume 1.djvu/767

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20. VEEDER: A CENTURY OF JUDICATURE 753 hurst's opinion that it is as vain to praise as to imitate him. Probably his finest performance, from all points of view, is his luminous exposition in the case of the Gratitudine, 3 C. Rob. 240, of the power of the master of a vessel to hy- pothecate her cargo. But it is little, if any superior to the following: The Maria, the case of the Swedish Convoy, 1 C. Rob. 340 ; the case of the Slave Grace, 2 Hagg. Adm. 94 ; the Jane and Matilda, 1 Hagg. Adm. 187 ; the Neptune, 1 Hagg. Adm. 227 ; Le Louis, 2 Dods. Adm. 210.i Stowell was followed in succession by Sir Christopher Rob- inson (1828-33), and Sir John Nichol (1833-38), whose short service was respectable, but not particularly distin- guished. The next judge of this court maintained the high standard set by Stowell. Lushington (1838-67) was a man of high character, vast learning and sound judgment, who, during a service almost equal to that of Stowell in duration, administered the varied duties of his court with such accur- acy and good sense that his judgment was seldom appealed from and rarely reversed. " All who ever heard one of those luminous expositions of law," says a contemporory, " must remember the effect produced in court when, often without taking time to consider his judgment, Dr. Lushing- ton would deliver one of those masterpieces of judicial wis- dom and legal learning which rank him among the first of English jurists." With maritime law in particular his name is permanently associated. The ancient jurisdiction of the Admiralty was largely restored by various statutes during his tenure, and it was finally made a court in 1861. Then the Crimean war, bringing in its train many questions of the

  • Following is a fairly comprehensive list of his most important

contributions to international law: The Santa Cruze, 1 C. Rob. 50; Mercurius, ib. 80; Frederick Molke, ih. 86; Betsy, ih. 93; Flad Oyen t6. 135; Hendrick and Maria, ih. 146; Columbia, ih. 154; Mentor, ib 179; Jouge Margaretha, ib. 189; Hoop, ih. 196; Two Friends, ib. 271 Vrow Margaretha, ib. 336; Maria, ih. 340; Immanuel, 2 C. Rob. 186 Indian Chief, 3 C. Rob. 12; Portland, ih. 41; Twee Gebroeder, ib. 162 336; Inuan, ih. 167; Atlas, ib. 299; Bremen Flugge, 4 C. Rob. 90 Anna Catharina, ih. 107; Fortuna, ih. 278; Venus, ih. 355; Phoenix, 5 C. Rob. 20; Carlotta, ih. 54; Boedes Lust, ih. 233; Anna, t6. 373 Orozambo, 6 C. Rob. 430; Atalanta, 6 ib. 440; Neptunus, 6 ih. 403 Madison, Edwards, 224; Coylon, 1 Dods, 505; Eliza Ann, ih. 244 Fanny, 2 Dods. 210; Le Louis, ih. 210,