Page:Select Essays in Anglo-American Legal History, Volume 1.djvu/823

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so. VEEDER: A CENTURY OF JUDICATURE 809 taking industry, absolute impartiality and keen sense of the value of evidence, he won universal esteem. The spirit which animated his labors was displayed in his address at the con- clusion of the hearing before the Parnell Commission, over which he presided. In speaking of the responsibility of the judges he said that one hope supported them: "Conscious that throughout this great inquest we have sought only the truth, we trust that we shall be guided to find it, and set it forth plainly in the sight of all men." His opinions, which are more fully reasoned than those of Cresswell, are notable for their graceful diction and apt illustrations.^ Among the more prominent justices of the Queen's Bench Division during this period were Hawkins ^ and Stephen,^ whose spe- cialty was criminal law, Mathew and Wright in commercial law, and Chitty and Kay in equity. (5) The Court of Appeal The second section of the Supreme Court, the Court of Appeal, is composed of the Master of the Rolls and five Lords Justices, with the heads of the three great divisions of the High Court, the Lord Chancellor, the Lord Chief Justice and the President of the Probate, Divorce and Admiralty Divi- sions, as members ex officio. It exercises a general appellate jurisdiction in civil cases from the determinations of the High Court. It was originally planned to make this the final court of appeal, but the pressure from the House of Lords was too strong, and in the end the judicial functions of the House were left undisturbed; so that the Supreme ^ Boughton V. Knight I>. R. 3 P. 64; Durham «. Durham; Sugden v. St. Leonards, 1 P. D. 154; Gladstone v. Gladstone; Crawford v. Dilke; Frederick Legitimacy Case; Niboyet v.' Nibovet. 4 P. D. 1 ; Smee v. Smee, 5 P. D. 84 ; Sottomayor t?.' De Barros, 5 P. D. 94; Bloxam v. Favre, 9 P. D. 130; Harvey v. Farine, 59 L. J. P. 53; Peek v. Derry, 37 Ch. D. 591; Raster v. Raster, 42 L. J. P. 1; Duke of Buccleuch «. Met. Bd. Wks. 5 E. and L App. 418; Bailey v. De Crespigny, 4 Q. B. 184. 'Re Castioni, 17 Cox Cr. Cas. 237; R. v. Curtis. 15 do. 749; R. v. Clarence, 58 L. J.. Mag. Cas. 10; R, v. Lillyman, 65 do. 195; Ford v. Wilev, 16 Cox Cr. Cas. 688. «R. V. Tolson, 23 Q. B. 169; D. v. Sern6, 16 Cox Cr. Cas. 311; R. v. Clarence, 16 do. 523: R. v. Cox, 15 do. 612; R. v. Price, 15 do. 393; R. r. Doherty, 16 do. 307.