Page:Select historical documents of the Middle Ages.djvu/502

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An Alphabetical List of Boohs ARISTOTLE'S Nlcomaohean Ethics. Translated, with Intro- duction and Notes, by the Vener- able Archdeacon Browne. S^. Politics and Economics. Translated by E. Walford, M.A., with Introduction by Dr. Gillies. Metaphysics. Translated by the Rev. John H. M'Mahon, M.A. 5.J. History of Animals. Trans. by Richard Cresswell, M.A. 55. Organon ; or. Logical Trea- tises, and the Introduction of Porphyry. Translated by the Rev. O. F. Owen, M.A. 2 vols. 35. bd. each. Rhetoric and Poetics. Trans, by T. Buckley, B.A. 5^-. ARRIAN'S Anabasis of Alex- ander, together with the Indica. Translated by E. J. Chinnock, M.A., LL.D. With Maps and Plans. 55. ATHEN.EUS. The Deipnoso- phists; or, the Banquet of the Learned. Trans, by Prof. C. D. Yonge, M.A. 3 vols. ^s. each. BACON'S Moral and Historical Works, including the Essays, Apophthegms, Wisdom of the Ancients, New Atlantis, Henry VII., Henry VIII. , Elizabeth, Henry Prince of Wales, History of Great Britain, Julius Csesar, • d Augustus Csesar. Edited by J. Devey, M.A. 3^. dd. Novum Organum and Ad- vancement of Learning. Edited by J. Devey, M.A. ^s. BASS'S Lexicon to the Greek Testament. 25, BAX'S Manual of the History of Philosophy, for the use of Students. By E. Belfort Bax. 5^-. BEAUMONT and FLETCHER, their finest Scenes, Lyric."?, and other Beauties, selected from the whole of their works, and edited by Leigh Hunt. 3^. dd. BECHSTEIN'S Cage and Chamber Birds, their Natural History, Habits, Food, Diseases, and Modes of Capture. Translated, with considerable additions on Structure, Migration, and Eco- nomy, by H. G. Adams. Together with Sweet British Warblers. With 43 coloured Plates and Woodcut Illustrations. 5^. BEDE'S (Venerable) Eeclesias- tical History of England. To- gether with the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. Edited by J. A. Giles, D.C.L. With Map. 5^. BELL (Sir Charles). The Ana- tomy and Philosophy of Ex- pression, as connected with the Fine Arts. By Sir Charles Bell, K.H. 7th edition, revised. BERKELEY (George). Bishop of Cloyne, The Works of. Edited by George Sampson. With Biographical Introduction by the Right Hon. A. J. Baltour, M.P. 3 vols. 5^. each. BION. See Theocritus. BJORNSON'S Arne and the Fisher Lassie. Translated by W. H. Low, M.A. is. 6d. BLAIR'S Chronological Tables Revised and Enlarged. Compre- hending the Chronology and His- tory of the World,from the Earliest Times to the Russian Treaty of Peace, April 1856. By J. Wil- loughby Rosse. Double vol. los.