Page:Select historical documents of the Middle Ages.djvu/509

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Coiitavicd in Bohiis Libraries. Emerson's Works contimied. III. — Society and Solitude— Letters and Social aims — Miscel- laneous Papers (hitherto uncollected) — May Day, and other Poems. ELLIS (G.) Specimens of Early English Metrical Romances. With an Historical Introduction on the Rise and Progress of Romantic Composition in France and England. Revised Edition. By J. O. Halliwell, F.R.S. 5^. ENNEMOSER'S History of Magic. Translated by William Howitt. 2 vols. 5^. each. EPICTETUS, The Discoiirses of. With the Encheiridion and Fragments. Translated by George Long, M.A. 55. EURIPIDES. A New Literal Translation in Prose. By E P. Coleridge, M.A. 2 vols. 5^. each. EUTROPIUS.— .See Justin. EUSEBIUS PAMPHILUS, Ecclesiastical History of. Trans- lated by Rev. C.F.Cruse,M, A. 5^. EVELYN'S Diary and Corre- spondendence. Edited from the Original MSS. by W. Bray, F.A.S. With 45 engravings. 4 vols. 5^. each. FAIRHOLT'S Costume in Eng- land. A History of Dress to the end of the Eighteenth Century. 3rd Edition, revised, by Viscount Dillon, V.P.S.A. Illustrated with above 700 Engravings. 2 vols, 5^. each. FIELDING'S Adventures of Joseph Andrews and his Friend LIr. Abraham Adams. With Cruikshank's Illustrations. 3^. 6«'. History of Tom Jones, a Foundling. With Cruikshank's Illustrations. 2 vols. 3^. dd. each. Amelia. With Cruikshank's Illustratior.s. ^s. FLAXMAN'S Lectures on Sculp- ture. By John Flaxman, R.A. With Portrait and 53 Plates. 6^. FLORENCE of WORCESTER'S Chronicle, with the Two Con- tinuations : comprising Annals of English History, from the De- parture of the Romans to the Reign of Edward I. Translated by Thomas Forester, M.A. 5^. FOSTER'S (Jolin) Life and Cor- respondence. Edited by J. E.' Ryland. 2 vols. 35-. 6^. each. Critical Essays. Edited by J. E. Ryland. 2 vols. t^s. 6d. each. Essays : on Decision of Cha- racter ; on a Man's writing Me- moirs of Himself ; on the epithet Romantic ; on the aversion of Men of Taste to Evangelical Re- ligion. T,s. 6d. Essays on the Evils of Popular Ignorance ; to which is added, a Discourse on the Propagation of Christianity in India. 3^. 6d. Essays on the Improvement of Time. With Notes of Sermons and other Pieces. y. 6d. GASPARY'S History of Italian Literature. Translated by Her- man Oelsner, M.A., Ph.D. Vol. I. 35. 6d. GEOFFREY OF MONMOUTH, Chronicle of. — See Old English Chronicles. GESTA ROMANORUM, or En- tertaining Moral Stories invented by the Monks. Translated by the Rev. Charles Swan Revised Edition, by Wynnard Hooper, B.A. 51. GILDAS, Chronicles oi.—See Old Eiidish Chronicles.