Page:Select historical documents of the Middle Ages.djvu/518

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i8 An Alphabetcial List of Books PAULI'S (Dr. R.) Life of Alfred the Great. Translated from the German. To which is appended Alfred's Anglo-Saxon Version OF Orosius. With a literal Translation interpaged, Notes, and an Anglo-Saxon Grammar and Glossary, by B. Thorpe. 55. PAUSANIAS' Description of areece. Newly translated by A. R, Shilleto, M.A. 2 vols. 5^. each. PEAKSON'S Exposition of the Greed. Edited by E. Walford, M.A. 5x. PEPYS' Diary and Correspond- ence. Deciphered by the Rev. J. Smith, M.A., from the original Shorthand MS. in the Pepysian Library. Edited by Lord Bray- brooke. 4 vols. Vvith 31 En- gravings. 5.f. each. PERCY'S Eeliques of Anc'ent English Poetry. With an Essay on Ancient Minstrels and a Glos- sary. Edited by J. V. Pritchard, A.M. 2 vols. 3^. dd. each. PERSIUS.— .S-c'^ Jovenal. PETRARCH'S Sonnets, Tri- umphs, and other Poems. Translated into English Verse by various Hands. With a Life of the Poet by Thomas Campbell. With Portrait and 15 Steel En- gravings. Si. PHILO - JTJDiEUS, Works of. Translated by Prof. C. D. Vonge, M.A. 4 vols. 5.<-. each. PICKERING'S History of the Races of Man, and their Geo- graphical Distribution. With An Analytical Synopsis of the Natural History of Man by Dr. Hall. With a Map of the Vn'orld and 12 coloured Plates, ^s. PINDAR. Translated into Prose by Dawson W. Turner. To which is added the Metrical Version by Abraham Moore. i,s. PLANCHE. History of British Costume, from the Earliest Time to the Close of the Eighteenth Century. By J. R. Planche, Somerset Her.T.!d. With upwards of 400 Illustrations. <fS, P.LATO'S Works. Literally trans- lated, with Introduction and Notes. 6 vols. 5^. each. I. — The Apology of Socrates, Crito, Phredo, Gorgias, Pro- tagoras, Fbjcdrus, Thecetetus, Euthypbron, Lysis. Trans- lated by the Rev. H. Carey. II. — The Republic, Tim.reus, and Critias. Translated by Henry Davis. III. — Meno, Euthydemus, The Sophist, Statesman, Cratylus, Parmenides, and the Banquet. Translated by G. Burges. IV. — Philebus, Charmides, Laches, Menexenus, Hippias, Ion, The Two Alcibiafles, The- ages, Rivals, Hipparchus, Minos, Clitopho, Epistles. Translated by G. Burges. V. — The Laws, Translated by G. Burges. VI.— The Doubtful Works, Trans- lated by G. Burges. Summary and Analysis of the Dialogues. With Analj'tical Index, By A. Day, LL.D. 5^. PLAUTUS'S Comedies. Trans- lated by H. T. Riley, M.A. 2 vols. 5J-. each. PLINY'S Natural History. Translated by the late John Bostock, M.D., F.R.S., and H.T. Riley, IvLA. 6 vols. 55. each. PLINY. The Letters of Pliny the YoiiEger. Meloioth's trans- lation, revised by the Rev. F. C. T. Bosanquet, M.A. ^s. PLOTINUS, Select Works of. Translated by Thomas Taylor. With an Introduction containing the substance of Porph}'r)s Plo- tinus. Edited by G. R= S. Mead, B.A., M.R.A.S. 5J.