Page:Selected Czech tales - 1925.djvu/224

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which of the three levers had set the engine in motion?

Quickly now, while he is inside!

A thousand sparks were dancing in a huge circle before Kuba’s eyes, while with a violent movement he reached out for the handle . . . he reeled, feeling a sudden sharp pain in his right hand.

But above everything he was feeling a supreme joy in satisfied revenge. The machine began to puff and roar and rush like a waterfall. Above the din Kuba fancied he heard the screams of pain from his victim’s throat . . . he even heard words. . . .

But the roaring ceased suddenly, and turned into mere humming. Kuba realised that this humming was only in his ears, that the engine was silent, and that the voice of the overseer was going on, but not in the least in pain or in agony.

‘Damn that fellow down below, is he asleep? Somebody run and see what’s the matter. And no reserve light either! Does a match cost a fortune in this place?’

A light was flickering, a burning match was raised to the gas-burner, which hissed and caught. Close to the flame Kuba saw the face of the overseer, who had himself lighted