Page:Selected Czech tales - 1925.djvu/280

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Carlyle. On Heroes and Hero-Woship. (62)

Past and Present. Introduction by G. K. Chesterton. (153)

Sartor Resartus. (19)

The French Revolution. Intro. C. R. L. Fletcher. 2vols. (125, 126)

The Life of John Sterling. Introduction by W. Hale White. (144)

Cervantes. Don Quixote. 2 vols. With a frontispiece. (130, 131)

Chaucer. The Works of. 3 vols. Vol. I (42); Vol. II (56); Vol. III, containing the whole of the Canterbury Tales (76)

Cobbold. Margaret Catchpole, Intro. by Clement Shorter. (119)

Coleridge. Poems. Introduction by Sir A. T. Quiller-Couch}}. (99)

Collins (Wilkie). The Woman in White. (226)

Congreve. The Comedies, with Introduction by Bonamy Dobrée. (276)

The Mourning Bride; and Miscellanies. (277)

Cooper (J. Fenimore). The Last of the Mohicans. (163)

Cowper. Letters. Selected, with Introduction, by E. V. Lucas. (138)

Czecho-Slovak Short Stories. Translated, with a preface, by Marie Busch. (288)

Darwin. The Origin of Species. With a Note by Grant Allen. (11)

Defoe. Captain Singleton. Intro. by Theodore Watts-Dunton. (82)

Robinson Crusoe. (17)

De Quincey. Confessions of an English Opium-Eater. (23)

Dickens. Barnaby Rudge. (286)Edwin Drood. (263)

Great Expectations, 6 Illustrations. (128)Hard Times. (264)

Old Curiosity Shop. (270)Oliver Twist. 24 Illustrations. (8)

Pickwick Papers. With 43 Illustrations. 2 vols. (120, 121)

Tale of Two Cities. With 16 Illustrations by ‘Phiz’. (38)

Disraeli (Benjamin). Sybil. With an Introduction by Walter Sichel. (291)

Dobson (Austin). At Prior Park, &c. (259)

Eighteenth.Century Vignettes. Three Series. (245–7)

Four Frenchwomen. (248)Old Kensington Palace, &c. (258)

A Paladin of Philanthropy, &c. (256)Rosalba’s Journal, &c. (260)

Selected Poems. (249)Side-walk Studies. (257)

Dufferin (Lord). Letters from High Latitudes. Illustrated. (158)

Eliot (George). Adam Bede. (63)Felix Holt. (159)

Romola. (178)Scenes of Clerical Life. (155)

Silas Marner, &c. (80)The Mill on the Floss. (31)

Emerson. English Traits, and Representative Men. (30)

Essays. Two Series. (6)Nature; and Miscellanies. (236)

English Critical Essays. (Nineteenth Century.) (206)

(Sixteenth to Eighteenth Centuries.) (240)

English Essays. Chosen and arranged by W. Peacock. (32)

English Essays, 1600–1900 (Book of). Chosen by S. V. Makower and B. H. Blackwell. (172)

English Essays, Modern. Chosen by H. S. Milford. (280)