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himself for having given way to their urgency, when he knew that he would only bring unhappiness upon himself with his marriage.

Gradually Vendulka seemed to regain her composure, and slowly tore herself away from the sleeping infant. Lukas also turned away from the window and looked round. He then noticed the exemplary order and cleanliness of the room. Vendulka had tidied everything, and washed the table after she had given the servants their supper. The young housekeeper had no sooner set foot in her future husband’s house than his household had become her first concern. Again Lukas experienced a feeling of great happiness when he saw that he and Vendulka were at one also in this respect. It had always been his special wish that the servants should receive their due punctually and in proper course. How often had not his first wife’s carelessness about this annoyed him! He could see in every detail that henceforth a different spirit, a new life would enter into his house. And the old Moper would have him believe that their temperaments were not suited to each other! Just because they were at one in so many respects, they would understand each other all the better.