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‘You are not a little child, Lukas,’ she said reprovingly, ‘a man ought to have more insight, not less than a woman; why are you so slow of understanding in this? It almost annoys me that you should be.’

Lukas had failed again in spite of all he had said, reasoned and urged. At last the thought occurred to him that his sweetheart was perhaps purposely tormenting him, because it gave her pleasure to think that he was head over ears in love with her.

Perhaps she was enjoying the sight of his passionate unrest? How could she have failed to notice that he thought her ten times more attractive now than three years ago, and that the sudden sight of her, or the sound of her voice when he heard it unexpectedly, made him start? With her quick perception she would no doubt be well aware of this; but was it kind of her to torment him out of mere wanton pleasure? Perhaps to laugh in her heart about his love, and think: ‘I can do with you as I like, you won’t escape me!’ Some people only value what is unattainable. When it is within their reach it has no further attraction for them. Perhaps she was one of these?

Gradually Vendulka’s attitude roused him