Page:Selected Orations Swedish Academy 1792.djvu/17

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be celebrated on the birth-day of the great Gustavus-Adolphus, how can that man be forgotten, whose name will ever be inseparably united with that of the illustrious hero, whose death he has with such pathetic elegance lamented? a poet,[1] who combines the truest accuracy of taste, with those graces of style, which his natural sensibility, his well-known probity, and his amiable talents for conversation, have enabled him to acquire.

That accomplished scholar,[2] who adorns with such elevated language those papers which issue from that office of the state which is under his administration, and who, in obedience to my commands, has written, with such truth and eloquence, the life of an aged and illustrious knight, who, commencing his career of glory under the Alexander of of the North, grew grey, and ended his days in my court: such an author has certainly the best claim to a distinguished seat in a society, the object of which is eloquence.

The poet,[3] who, in so animated a strain, has celebrated the victories of Charles-Gustavus; whose writings, for more than twenty years,

  1. The senator Count T. G. Oxenstierna, First Lord of the Bedchamber to his Majesty; Grand Master of her Majesty's Household; author of an Ode on the death of Gustavus-Adolphus, and of many other pieces of great merit.
  2. Mr. de Schröderheim, Secretary of State; author of an Eulogy on Count Lieven, Secretary and Marshal of the kingdom.
  3. Count G. F. Gyllenborg, author of an Epic Poem entitled The March over the Bält, of The Man-Hater, and many other valuable works.