Page:Selected Orations Swedish Academy 1792.djvu/97

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B Y N. L. S I Ö B E R G.

Beyond the the impel-t’e& glory of military virtue, the greateft of our Monarch: have never been able to conduct the nation. F or GUSTAVUS the III. it was referved to complete the glory of the Swedifh name. By the powerful incitement: of example and encouragement he has in a few yurs etfeéled, that which many genemtions of worthy fa- vereigns were not able to accomplifh. The literary glory of Sweden he has crated; and refund from oblivion her military honours ". The trophies of victory vanifh and are forgotten, except the voice of genius proclaim the warlike exploits; nor from the filent tomb will the influence of tl1e hero fir extend; nor will many be excited to the imitation of his great or patriotic exertinns,unle(§ the glowing pencil of Eloquence emblazon them in the Temple of Fame.

In the prefent age the human mind appears to be more alert and rcfilefs than in any of the preceding. The rage of war, and the frenzy of fanatkifm were the only pafiions that. at ditferent periods, broke in upon the lethargy of our anceflors. When thefe two power- ful fprings of human aélinn began to relax, fame other alimcnt wu (ought for to feed the incellant cnvings of the human heart. Long had philofopliy, lung had police literature, ethics, and the fine arts, in.

vited us in vain to their charming retreats: at length we purfue them

- He has not only refcued rm oblivion the mummy of an ancient military honours ol Sws Clan, but ha: relwvated, and may be {aid to am ereawd, an martial glory of the nation. which Ind been eclipfed for upward: of . century. The naval ymwy of Swenlltlundy which termi. nated -in war of 1733, is the more curnplae conquefl am ever glued on anus of any pmple. andtbe Erll which the Swdu Inve obhined fince 1711.

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