Page:Selections from Muhammadan Traditions - tr. William Goldsack (1923).djvu/114

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carries him to his destination in comfort, must keep the fast of Ramaḍán wherever it comes to him."'—Abú Dáud.

On the Execution of an (Omitted) Duty

It is related from Abú Hurairah that, 'The Apostle of God said, "It is not right for a woman to fast when her husband is present, except with his permission; or for her to allow anyone in his house, except with his permission."'—Muslim.

It is related from ʿÁyesha that, 'The Apostle of God said, "He who dies leaving a fast unperformed, his heir must fast for him."'—Muslim, Al Bukhárí.

It is related from Málik that he heard that Ibn ʿOmar was asked, 'May one person fast for another, or may one pray in place of another?' He replied, 'No one may fast for another, and no one may pray in place of another.'—Al Muwaṭṭa.

On Voluntary Fasts

It is related from Abú Hurairah that, 'The Apostle of God said, "The best fast, after that of Ramaḍán, is that of the month of God, Muḥarram. And the best prayers, after the five obligatory prayers, are the night prayers."'—Muslim.

It is related from Ibn ʿAbbás that he said, 'When the Apostle of God fasted on the day of ʿÁshura (i.e. the tenth of Muḥarram) they said, "O Apostle of God, verily it is a day held in respect by the Jews and Christians." The Apostle of God said, "If I remain till next year, I will certainly keep the ninth day."'—Muslim.

It is related from Abú Qatádah that, 'A man came to the Prophet and said, "How dost thou keep the fast, O Apostle of God?" Then the Apostle of God became angry at his words. And when ʿOmar saw his anger, he said, "We are satisfied with Alláh as our Lord, with Islam as our religion, and with Muḥammad as our Prophet. We take refuge with God from the anger of God and the anger of His Apostle." And ʿOmar continued to repeat these words until his anger subsided. Then ʿOmar said, "O Apostle of God, how is it with the man who fasts the whole of the time?" The Apostle of God replied, "There is (for him) neither fast nor breaking of fast," or he said, "He has neither fasted nor broken the fast." ʿOmar said, "How is it with the man who fasts two days, and breaks the fast one day?" He replied, "Is anyone able to do that?"