Page:Selections from Muhammadan Traditions - tr. William Goldsack (1923).djvu/120

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said, "The Blessed and most High Lord says, 'He whom (the reciting of) the Qurʾán diverts from the remembrance of me and from praying to me, I will give him better than what I give those who pray. And the superiority of the Word of God over other words is like the superiority of God over His creation.'"'—At Tirmidhí.

It is related from Al Hárithuʾl-Aʿwar that he said, 'I passed into the mosque, and behold the people were engaging in conversation; so I went in to ʿAlí and informed him. He said, "Have they done so?" I said, "Yes." He replied, "Verily I heard the Apostle of God, say, 'Beware! for there will be strife.'" I said, "O Apostle of God, what is the way out of such strife?" He replied, "The Word of God in which is the history of what happened before you, and information of what will come after you, and a command concerning the things which are amongst you. It is a separator between (true and false). It is not a vain utterance. He who is proud and abandons it, God will break him in pieces, and he who desires guidance apart from it, God will lead him astray. And it is the strong rope of God, and it is a wise admonition, and it is a straight road, and it is that by which men do not go astray, and by which the tongue does not become entangled. And the wise do not become satiated thereby. It does not become worn out by much repetition, and its wonders do not cease. It is a Book which, when the genii heard it, they said, 'Verily we have heard a wonderful Qurʾán. It guides to the straight path, and we have believed in it.' Whoever speaks by it will speak the truth, and whoever acts according to it will be rewarded, and he who judges by it will judge justly, and whoever invites men to it, will himself be guided to the straight path."'—At Tirmidhí.

It is related from ʿUqbah bin ʿÁmir that he said, 'I heard the Apostle of God say, "If the Qurʾán were placed in a leathern skin and cast into the fire, it would not be burned."—Al Dárimi.

It is related from ʿAlí that, 'The Apostle of God said, "He who reads the Qurʾán and remembers it, and makes lawful the lawful in it, and considers unlawful what is unlawful in it, God will bring him into paradise, and will accept his