Page:Selections from Muhammadan Traditions - tr. William Goldsack (1923).djvu/147

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them will enter paradise." Then he recited, "Now are the believers happy,[1]" to the end of the ten verses.'—Aḥmad, At Tirmidhí.

It is related from ʿOthmán bin Ḥunaif that he said, 'Verily a blind man came to the Prophet and said, "Pray to God that He would cure me." He replied, "If thou desirest it, I will pray, and if thou desirest, thou mayest have patience, for that is better for thee." He said, "Pray to Him." (ʿOthmán) said, "Then he ordered him to perform ablutions thoroughly and to pray this prayer, 'O God, I supplicate Thee, and turn to Thee through Thy Prophet Muḥammad, the Prophet of mercy. Verily I turn to Thee: to my Lord that He may satisfy for me these my wants. O God, accept his intercession on my behalf.'"'—At Tirmidhí.

It is related from Abú Dardái that, 'The Apostle of God said, "One of the prayers of David was this. He used to say, 'O God, I ask of Thee Thy love and the love of him who loveth Thee, and the action which will secure Thy love for me. O God, make Thy love more precious to me than mine own soul and my property and my family and than cold water.'" Abú Dardái said, 'When the Apostle of God mentioned David, he used to speak of him and say, "He was the greatest worshipper amongst men."'—At Tirmidhí.

  1. Súratuʾl-Múʾminún (xxiii) 1–10.