Page:Selections from Muhammadan Traditions - tr. William Goldsack (1923).djvu/165

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It is related from ʿÁmir bin Saʿd that verily Saʿd was riding towards his home in Al ʿAqíq, and he came across a slave cutting, trees, or beating off the leaves; so he plundered him. Then when Saʿd returned, the masters of the slave came to him, and spoke to him, saying that he should return to their slave or to them what he had taken from their slave. He replied, 'God forbid that I should return anything which the Apostle of God gave me as booty.' And he refused to return (the things) to them.—Muslim.

It is related from ʿÁyesha that she said, 'When the Apostle of God came to Madína, Abú Bakr and Bilál were attacked by fever. Then I came to the Apostle of God and informed him. Then he said, "O God, make Madína beloved to us as thou hast made Mecca beloved to us, or even more so; and make it healthy, and bless us in (filling up its grain measures) ṣaʿa and mudda, and take away its fever and put it in Juḥfah."'—Muslim, Al Bukhárí.

It is related from Abú Hurairah that, 'The Apostle of God said, "I was ordered to (flee to) a city which eats up other cities. They called it Yathreb, which is Madína. It expels men as a blacksmith's bellows expels the dross of iron."'—Muslim, Al Bukhárí.

It is related from Anas that, 'The Apostle of God said, "There is no city which Anti-Christ will not tread upon, except Mecca and Madína. These have no road upon which angels do not stand in rank, to protect them. Then he will come down on marshy ground, and Madína, with the people thereof, will tremble three times. And all unbelievers and hypocrites will go out to him."'—Muslim, Al Bukhárí.

It is related from Ibn ʿOmar that, 'The Apostle of God said, "Whoever is able to die in Madína, let him die therein; for verily I will intercede for whoever dies therein."'—Aḥmad, At Tirmidhí.

It is related from Abú Hurairah that, 'The Apostle of God said, "The last of the cities of Islám to be destroyed is Madína."'—At Tirmidhí.

It is related from Ibn ʿOmar that, 'The Apostle of God said, "Whoever goes on pilgrimage and visits my grave after my death will be as he who visited me in my lifetime."'—Al Baihaqi.