Page:Selections from Muhammadan Traditions - tr. William Goldsack (1923).djvu/274

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more beloved of him than the believer who is weak; and there is good in everyone. Strive after that which will benefit thee; and seek the aid of God, and be not weak. And if any- thing befalls thee, say not, ' If I had done (so and so) such and such would have happened,' but say, ' God ordained it,' and ' He has done what He wished '; for verily, ' if ' introduces the work of Satan." ' Muslim.

It is related from 'Omar binu'l-Khattab that he said, ' I heard the Apostle of God say, " If ye put your trust in God, in the way that He should be trusted, He will certainly provide for you as He provides for the birds. They begin the morning hungry, but reach the evening with full stomachs." ' At Tirmidht, Ibn Mdjah.

It is related from Ibn 'Abbas that he said, ' I was behind the Apostle of God on a certain day, and he said, " O boy, remem-. ber God, and He will remember thee. Remember God, and thou wilt find Him before thee. And when thou prayest for anything, ask it of God; and when thou seekest aid, seek it of Him. And know thou that if all the people were gathered together with the purpose of doing thee a benefit in any matter, they would not benefit thee except in that matter which God has already written down for thee. And if they came together with the purpose of doing thee an injury in some matter, they would not do thee any injury except in that matter which God has already written down. The pens have been lifted up, and the pages are dried." ' Ahmad, At Tirmidht.

It is related from Jabir that he went with the Apostle of God on a military expedition in the direction of Nejd, and when the Apostle of God returned, he returned with him. And the noon overtook them in a valley having many trees. Then the Apostle of God alighted, and the people separated in order to seek the shade of the trees. And the Apostle of God Stopped beneath a samurah tree; and he hung up his sword upon it; and we slept for awhile. And behold! The Apostle of God suddenly called us, and with him was a desert Arab. And (the Apostle) said, * Verily this man unsheathed my sword against me when I was sleeping. And I awoke whilst my sword was still in his hand. He said, " Who will protect thee from me? ' I replied, " God." This I said three times,' And