Page:Selections from Muhammadan Traditions - tr. William Goldsack (1923).djvu/299

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It is related from Buraidah that, 'A man said, " O Apostle of God, are there horses in paradise? " He replied, " Verily if God take thee to paradise, thou wilt not wish to be carried in it on a ruby horse which will fly with thee in paradise wherever thou wish, but thou wilt do so." Then a man asked a question and said, " O Apostle of God, are there any camels in paradise? " (Buraidah) said, "He did not say to him what he said to his companion. And he said, ' If God bring thee into paradise, there will be for thee therein whatever thy soul desires and whereby thine eye can be satisfied.' " ' At Tirmidhi.

It is related from Abu Sa'id that, ' The Apostle of God said, "The meanest of the inhabitants of paradise is he who will have eighty thousand servants and seventy-two wives. And he will have a dome made of pearls, chrysolite, and rubies, (in extent) like the distance between Al Jabiya and an'a'. And they who die, whether young or old, of those who go to paradise, will in paradise all return to thirty years of age. They will never exceed that age. And in like manner the inhabitants of the fire (will return to thirty years of age). And there will be crowns upon the inhabitants of paradise, the meanest pearl of which will certainly light up all that lies between the East and the West. And when a believer wishes for a son in paradise, then his conception and birth and full age will be accomplished in one hour as he wished." And Ishaq bin Ibrahim said in this tradition, " When a believer in paradise wishes for a son, it will be accomplished in an hour; but he will not wish it." ' At TirmidJn.

It is related from Hakim bin Mu'awiyah that, ' The Apostle of God said, u Verily in paradise there is a large river of water, and a large river of honey, and a large river of milk, and a large river of wine. Afterwards they 'will divide up (into smaller rivers)." ' At Tirmidhi.

It is related from Jabir that, ' A man asked the Apostle of God, " Do the inhabitants of paradise sleep? " He replied, " Sleep is the brother of death; and the inhabitants of paradise do not die." ' Al Baihaqi.


It is related from uhaib that, 'The Prophet said, "When the people destined for paradise will enter therein, God Most