Page:Selections from Muhammadan Traditions - tr. William Goldsack (1923).djvu/301

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least punished is he whose two shoes and their thongs are of fire. His brains boil therefrom as a copper cauldron boils. It will not seem to him as if anyone suffers more severe punishment than he; and yet in reality he is the least punished of them." ' Muslim, Al Bukhdri.

It is related from Samurah bin Jundub that, ' The Prophet said, " Amongst them will be those whom the fire will take up to the ankles, and' those whom the fire will take up to the knees, and those whom the fire will take up to the waist, and those whom the fire will take up to the collar-bone." ' Muslim.

It is related from Abu Hurairah that, ' The Prophet said, "The fire of hell burnt for one thousand years until it became red; then it burnt for a thousand years until it became white; then it burnt for a thousand years until it became black. Therefore it is (now) black and dark." ' At Tirmidhi.

It is related from Anas that, 'The Prophet said, " O men, weep; and if ye are not able to do so, then make yourselves weep. For verily the inhabitants of the fire weep in the fire until the tears flow down their faces as if they were rivulets, until the tears cease. Then blood flows, until the eyes become ulcers. Then had there been boats which could be placed therein, they would certainly float." ' Sharlm s-Sunnah.

It is related from Ibn 'Omar that, 'The Prophet said, "The inhabitants of the fire will be made of large proportions in the fire, so that between the lobe of the ear of any one of them to his shoulder will be a journey of seven hundred years; and the thickness of his skin will be seventy cubits; and his molar tooth will be like (Mount) 'Uhud."

It is related from Al Hasan that he said, ' Abu Hurairah informed us that the Apostle of God said, "The sun and the moon are two lights which will be bound and cast into the fire on the day of resurrection." Al Hasan said, "What was their sin? " He replied, " I have related it to thee as I heard it from the Apostle of God." Then Al Hasan remained silent. '- Al Baihaqi.


It is related from Anas that, 'The Prophet said, "(Men) will continue to be cast into hell; and it will say, 'Are there