Page:Selections from Muhammadan Traditions - tr. William Goldsack (1923).djvu/303

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of his attendants and said, ' Verily thou hast not brought me a human being; thou hast only brought me a Satan.' Then he gave her Hagar as a servant. And she came to Abraham when he was standing praying. Then he beckoned with his hand seeking to know her state. She replied, ' God returned the stratagem of the infidel upon his own breast; and he has made Hagar my servant. ' ' Abu Hurairah said, ' That is your mother, O children of the water of heaven.' Muslim, Al Bukhdri.

It is related from Abu Hurairah that he said, ' A man of the Muslims and a man of the Jews were abusing each other. And the Muslim said, " By Him who preferred Muhammad over all the worlds! " And the Jew said, " By Him who preferred Moses over all the worlds! " Then the Muslim raised his hand at that and struck the Jew's face. Then the Jew went to the Prophet and informed him of what had passed between him and the Muslim. Then the Prophet called the Muslim and asked him about the matter. And he told him. Then the Prophet said, ' Do not give me precedence over Moses; for verily men will fall down senseless on the day of resurrection, and I will fall down senseless with them. And I will be the first of those who come to their senses, and behold! Moses will be standing near the side of the throne. And I will not know whether he was amongst those who swooned and came to his senses before me, or whether he was amongst those whom God exempted (from the swooning)."

It is related from Abu Hurairah that, 'The Apostle of God said, "The angel of death came to Moses bin 'Imran and said to him, 'Accept the order of thy Lord (to die).' Then Moses struck the angel of death in the eye and blinded it. Then the angel returned to God Most High and said, ' Verily Thou didst send me'to one of Thy servants who does not wish for death, and he has blinded my eye.' Then God returned his eye to him, and said, ' Return to my servant and say, "Is it life thou desirest? If thou desirest life, then place thy hand on the back of an ox, and thou wilt live in years equal to the number of hairs which thy hand covers." Moses said, 'And what after that?' He replied, 'After that thou wilt die.' He said, 'Then (let me die) now. O Lord, bring me near to the Holy Land, or within a stone's throw of it.' ' The Apostle of God